“Learn from our experts for free!”
Did you know that Rainforest Plumbing Plumbing & Air hosts FREE maintenance seminars for groups of maintenance professionals including property maintenance technicians, managers, and supervisors?
What Seminars are Offered?
Basic/Advanced Plumbing Systems
Basic/Advanced HVAC Systems
Preventative Maintenance Solutions
Water Heater Repair & Maintenance
… or Custom Seminar (tailored to your specific needs)
Rainforest University Maintenance Seminars may be done in conjunction with your regularly scheduled company meetings. Along with the Seminar, both the venue and free lunch will be provided!
Additional Offers:
Rainforest Plumbing & Air will even make their formal meeting room available for your exclusive meetings. As a free service, just about any presentation material you need will be included, such as the following:
Projectors & Projection Screens
White Board
Flip Chart
Monitor w/ DVD
Pens, Paper, etc.
Copies & Handouts
Schedule Your Reservation Today!
Give Rainforest Plumbing & Air a call today at (480) 615-7766 to schedule your free seminar at Rainforest University!